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Results found: 1
Administration Assistant
11-01-2012 21:32
Offering: Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs in Canada, Lethbridge ... View detailed ...

Position: Administration Assistant Location: Lethbridge, Alberta (1Vacancy) Wage: $11.00 to $13.00 Hourly, (dependent on experience) Overtime: Authorized Overtime at 1.5 times hourly rate. Hours: 40 hours per week. Benefits: Medical, Dental Disability and Group Insurance Benefits. Holidays: 10 days plus fixed period between Christmas & New Year.

Results found: 1

Canada free classified ads for Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs, Lethbridge, Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs free ads Lethbridge, Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs for sale Lethbridge, Administrative job, clerical job, support jobs to buy in Lethbridge.
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